Generally speaking, the market of functional leather sofa and ordinary leather sofa price, function, use and maintenance and other differences.In the same style of sofa, functional leather sofa and ordinary leather sofa, the price will be much more expensive. Whether manual function sofa or electric function sofa, it contains iron frame, motor, transformer and other structures. These all need consumers to pay.
And the production process of functional sofa is more complex than that of ordinary sofa, so the labor cost of functional leather sofa will be relatively high.Functional sofa has some ergonomic features that allow you to lie on it for better comfort. Especially some electric function sofa, also can adjust different angle according to your demand. Whether you watch TV, read a book or lie down to rest, your body will be very comfortable. And ordinary sofa has no function to speak of, only simple sit down rely on function.
Functional sofa has iron frame and motor parts, in use and maintenance will be more complex than ordinary sofa, but also prone to failure. And ordinary sofa in addition to wooden frame or surface material is not bad, use will not have other problems. In the use of maintenance, functional sofa will be more complex, so choose the most suitable for their own.
Functional leather sofa and ordinary leather sofa have their own advantages. Selection needs to be based on personal needs, preferences and budget selection, suitable for their own is the best.
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